Through, Through and Through

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The English language really loves its “th” sounds – so much so, in fact, that it seems to have gone out of its way to invent as many “th” words as possible. To add insult to injury, many of these “th” words are commonly used and essentially unavoidable.

Today I want to talk about the word “through.” Oh, sorry for the misunderstanding! Not “threw,” or “thorough,” or “though,” or “thought.” T-H-R-O-U-G-H.

English has tons of expressions with “through” – here are just a few “through” favourites!

  1. TO SLEEP THROUGH (something): to miss or skip something because you were sleeping; (that thing you definitely never did at university)
    One Monday morning in the summer, deep asleep and dreaming of a vacation, Peter slept through his alarm and woke up late for work, alarmed. 
  2. TO PULL THROUGH: to recover after a period of illness or difficulty (or binge-watching your favourite TV show)
    Running to the bus stop, Peter called his colleague Sarah, who was worried that he had some illness and he could not pull through. 
  3. THROUGH AND THROUGH: in every way; thoroughly or completely; 150 percent (not scientifically speaking)
    Peter promised his doubtful coworker that it wouldn’t be a problem, he would be in time for the big meeting: he was a professional through and through.
  4. TO BE THROUGH WITH (something): to have finished doing or using something; to be sick and tired of something or someone; (to give up and never want to think about it/them ever again)
    After waiting 15 minutes for a bus that didn’t come, Peter decided he was through with waiting, and he began to run. 
  5. TO GO THROUGH WITH (something): to do something that you have planned or agreed to do, especially after not being sure you want to do it; (to become a martyr and feel that everyone owes you big time)
    At long last, Peter arrived at the office so sweaty and out of breath that Sarah said he probably shouldn’t go through with his presentation like that. 
  6. TO SLIP THROUGH (someone’s) FINGERS: to escape from someone; (to have come so close but yet be so far, far away)
    But Peter did some stretches, drank some water, took a seat, and told Sarah he wouldn’t let this opportunity slip through his fingers for anything. 
  7. TO COME THROUGH: to succeed in a difficult task; (honestly, you were kind of surprised too)
    Sarah looked him in the eye, cracked a smile, shook her head, and muttered, “One day I will learn that you come through no matter what.”

I hope you are all “through” users now, through and through!

Rachel Caywood, студентка отделения русского языка как иностранного

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